Scholarly Publishing

Datesort descending Author Title Tags
2008 Open Access and Scholarly Publishing in Latin America: Ten Flavours and a Few Reflections
2008 Socrates Back on the Street: Wikipedia's Citing of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
2008-02 Toward the Design of an Open Monograph Press
2009 The Publisher's Pushback against NIH's Public Access and Scholarly Publishing Sustainability
2009-08 Derrida's Right to Philosophy, Then and Now
2010-02 A survey of the scholarly journals using Open Journal Systems
2012-11 The Academic Ethics of Open Access to Research and Scholarship
2015-04-04 Geographic variation in social media metrics: An analysis of Latin American journal articles
2016 Measuring, Rating, Supporting, and Strengthening Open Access Scholarly Publishing in Brazil
2018 The Politics of Postmodernism Begins with the Political Economy of Our Own Work