Open Archive Policies and Resources

An Open Access Motion was passed unanimously by the faculty of Stanford Graduate School of Education (GSE) on June 10, 2008 and a similar motion was passed by Stanford GSE doctoral students with 95% support. These motions commit the faculty and students to making a copy of their peer-reviewed journal articles publicly and freely available through the Stanford GSE Open Archive. The motions exemplify the faculty and student’s commitment to sharing as widely as possible what we been able to learn about education from our research and scholarship.

The Stanford GSE Faculty Open Access Motion and the Student Open Access Motion
The motion that was passed by Stanford GSE faculty passed a motion on June 10, 2008 and by the Stanford GSE doctoral students on May 24, 2013.

How the Open Access Motion Works
A list of steps that Stanford GSE faculty and students are taking to provide open access to their refereed published journal articles to ensure that they are publicly available.

The Open Access Author Addendum
The Author Addendum is submitted to the publisher, along with the Publication Agreement, after the article has been accepted for publication.

Questions and Answers about the Open Access Motion
The result of a discussion that Stanford GSE faculty and students had about the Harvard Law School Open Access Motion, which served as a basis for the Stanford GSE motion.

Database of Publishers’ and Journal Archiving Policies
Authors who wish to post previously published work can check this database to see if their publisher is among the majority of publishers that now permit such archiving.

The Open Access Citation Advantage
A bibliography of studies with links and summaries that examine the impact of open access by comparing hit rates and citation rates for open and closed articles.

Directory of Open Access Journals
A listing of peer-reviewed journals that make their entire content immediately available to readers at no charge.

Directory of Open Access Mandates
A listing of open access policies and mandates among departments, institutions, and funding agencies.

Open Access Directory
A compendium of resources in the area of open access, from FAQs to publishing tools.