Smith, Mark (Author)

Datesort descending Author Title Tags
2012-05 Beyond the Bubble: New History/Social Studies Assessments for the Common Core
2012-08 New Directions in Assessment: Using Library of Congress Sources to Assess Historical Understanding
2015-09 Formative Assessment Using Library of Congress Documents
2017-09 What's Learned in College History Classes?
2018 History Assessments of Thinking: A Validity Study
2019-11-14 Students' Civic Online Reasoning: A National Portrait
2019-12-04 Civic Online Reasoning: Curriculum Evaluation
2020-10-21 Educating for Misunderstanding: How Approaches to Teaching Digital Literacy Make Students Susceptible to Scammers, Rogues, Bad Actors, and Hate Mongers
2021-04-07 Students’ Civic Online Reasoning: A National Portrait